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Bases for Cosmetic Products

Italian olive tree: an extraordinary font of precious raw material for cosmetic applications.

The strong demand for cosmetic products containing traditional olive derivatives is due to the emollient, softening, anti-reddening, sebum restructuring and photo-protective properties of the oil and the anti-radical – anti-ageing properties of the phyto-complexes extracted from the leaves. An analysis of thecharacteristics of some new derivatives opens vast new potential areas of application that puts this plant of great traditions back into the lime light for its recently discovered phyto-cosmetic values.

get in touch

REINOL s.r.l. - Strada del Francese, 21
10071 Borgaro - Torino - ITALY

Phones: +39 (011) 4701510 or 4701511

Fax: +39 (011) 4703910 - email:
VAT IT01861930012 - R.E.A. TO 521131

Share Equity € 104.000,00

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